I want to ad a new (dialog) type
to angular, so I could use it just like I use module.directive
, module.filter
, module.controller
to register directives, filters and controllers.
I want to register my instances of dialog
type this way:
return {
I also want to be able to use registered dialogs in controllers (dependency injection)
$scope.deleteItem = function(item){
prompt('Do you want to delete this item?').then(function(result){
if(result) item.$delete();
This boils down to the following questions:
How do I extend angular's module to have module.dialog
register my dialog
types ?
How do I make my registered dialogs
injectable in to controllers
and angular-strap
as a service, but as a separate type
(this solution is already implemented in angular-ui
).This is a pretty interesting question. I'll prefix my answer with an opinion: I don't think you should extend angular.module
to provide a dialog
method. Those methods are shortcuts into built-in Angular providers, and the Angular team adds some from time to time. Since you can get access to the functionality you're looking for without adding the dialog
method, I wouldn't. That said, the code below does show you how a very basic version of this might work (it doesn't modify the Angular module prototype, just the single instance of the module).
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller='MainController'>
<button ng-click='askName()'>Ask Name</button>
<button ng-click='askNameAgain()'>Ask Name Again</button>
<button ng-click='askAge()'>Ask Age</button>
<button ng-click='askFood()'>Ask Food</button>
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
// Provide some basic injectables for testing
app.constant('nameString', 'NAME');
app.constant('ageString', 'AGE');
app.constant('foodString', 'FAVORITE FOOD');
// Create the dialog provider
app.provider('dialog', function($provide, $injector) {
var dialogs = {};
this.register = function(name, configFn) {
// Create a new service
$provide.factory(name, function($window, $q) {
dialogs[name] = function() {
// Get data based on DI injected version of configFn
var data = $injector.invoke(configFn);
// faking async here since prompt is really synchronous
var deferred = $q.defer();
var response = $window.prompt(data.text);
return deferred.promise;
return dialogs[name];
// Injecting the service itself gives you a function that
// allows you to access a dialog by name, much like $filter
this.$get = function() {
return function(name) {
return dialogs[name];
// Providing dialog injectables via app.config
app.config(function(dialogProvider) {
dialogProvider.register('askFood', function(foodString) {
return { text: 'What is your ' + foodString + '?' }
// Alternatively, shortcut to accessing the dialogProvider via app.dialog
app.dialog = function(name, configFn) {
app.config(function(dialogProvider) {
dialogProvider.register(name, configFn);
app.dialog('askName', function(nameString) {
return { text: 'What is your ' + nameString + '?' }
app.dialog('askAge', function(ageString) {
return { text: 'What is your ' + ageString + '?' }
function($scope, askName, askAge, askFood, dialog) {
var setLastResponse = function(result) {
$scope.lastResponse = result;
$scope.askName = function() {
$scope.askNameAgain = function() {
// get the dialog through the dialog service
// much like how $filter works
var theDialog = dialog('askName');
$scope.askAge = function() {
$scope.askFood = function() {
Here is a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/BinaryMuse/zj4Jq/
By leveraging $injector.invoke
inside of your dialogProvider.register
function, you can provide the ability to use a key like controller
in the data your configFn
returns. Since directive
works a lot like this already, you may gain a lot from checking out the AngularJS source.