I have created a menu bar using html, css, lists etc. in Liferay.
The option on it are Home, Reports, User etc. When I click on each of them a sub menu appears.
here is an example.
I have a menu bar with Home, Reports, User, Add and when I click on say Reports a sub menu appears which has Legal,Documents,Personal,Company.
When I click on any of them the jsp page should appear. Ex. If I click on Reports and select Personal then Personal.jsp
page should appear but it is not happening in my case.
The menubar.jsp
has links to pages. ex:
<a href="#">Reports</a>
<li><a href="../admin/Legal.jsp">Legal</a></li>
<li><a href="../admin/Documents.jsp">Documents</a></li>
<li><a href="../admin/Personal.jsp">Personal</a></li>
<li><a href="../admin/Company.jsp">Company</a></li>
When I try to access it the error that I am seeing is:
The webpage at
might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Although my path is correct I get the above error. Also when I use:
<a href="../admin/Personal.jsp">Personal</a>
I am redirected to the same page. Instead When I use:
<a href="/admin/Personal.jsp">Personal</a>
I get the error mentioned above.
What is the solution?
Converted the comment to an answer, you're welcome :)
Are you building a portlet that should show its content with the given jsp files or do you run in a portal and then want to link to full-page jsps outside of your portal? In a portal world you cannot just link to some JSP. The solution inside of a portal depends quite a bit on what framework you implement your portlet with. With Liferay MVC you'd link to
<a href="<portlet:renderURL>
<portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/admin/Personal.jsp"/>
and the portlet you're implementing will automatically display this page as its content.