I have the following Fortran code:
Program Strange
Print*, "Pi1=", Pi1;
Print*, "Pi2=", Pi2;
End Program Strange
I compile with gfortran, and the output is:
Pi1= 3.1415927410125732
Pi2= 3.1415926535897931
Of course the second is correct, but should this be the case? It seems like Pi1 is being input to memory as a single precision number, and then put into a double precision memory slot. But this seems like an error to me. Am I correct?
I do know a bit of Fortran ! @Dougal's answer is correct though the snippet he quotes from is not, embedding the letter d
into a real literal constant is not required (since Fortran 90), indeed many Fortran programmers now regard that approach as archaic. The snippet is also misleading in advising the use of 3.1415926535d+0
to initialise a 64-bit floating-point value for pi, it doesn't set enough of the digits to their correct values.
The statement:
defines Pi1
to be a real variable of kind 8. The literal real value 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209
is, however, a real value of default kind, most likely to be a 4-byte real on most current compilers. That seems to explain your output but do check your documentation.
On the other hand, the literal real value Pi2=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209_8
is, by the suffixing of the kind specification, declared to be of kind=8 which is the same as the kind of the variable it is assigned to.
Three more points:
1) Don't fall into the trap of thinking that kind=8
means the same thing as 64-bit floating-point number
or double
. For many compilers it does, for some it doesn't. Kind numbers are not portable between Fortran implementations. They are, according to the standard, arbitrary positive integers. Better, with a modern compiler, would be to use the predefined constants from the intrinsic module iso_fortran_env
, e.g.
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
real(real64) :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338_real64
There are other portable approaches to setting variable kinds using functions such as selected_real_kind
2) Since the value of pi
is unlikely to change during the execution of your program you might care to make it a parameter thus:
real(real64), parameter :: pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338_real64
3) It isn't necessary (or usual) to end Fortran statements with a ';' unless you want to have more than one statement on the same line in the source file.