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CDialog - EndDialog from a MODELESS dialog?

The MS documentation (and others) "clearly" states:

... Because the normal OnOk and OnCancel member functions of a CDialog object would call EndDialog, make sure your modeless dialog box does not call those functions and instead overrides

Since CDialog::OnOk effectively calls CDialog::EndDialog, and that method looks like:

void CDialog::EndDialog(int nResult)


    ::EndDialog(m_hWnd, nResult);

we can also check the docs for ::EndDialog which again "clearly" state:

Dialog boxes created by the DialogBox, DialogBoxParam, DialogBoxIndirect, and DialogBoxIndirectParam functions must be destroyed using the EndDialog function. An application calls EndDialog from within the dialog box procedure; the function must not be used for any other purpose.

Yet, I have a CDialog derived class that has it's default behavior wrt. OnOKand seemingly everything is working when I use it non-modal / modeless.

That is: * When I close the (modeless) dialog, it is closed/removed from view. * The application doesn't show any memory leaks. (MFC debug build)

So what? Do I need to prevent EndDialog and call DestroyWindow myself or not?

Note: I know what the docs and "the web" says. It's just that I haven't yet found why I need to do it differently, and this one class should be usable for modeless and modal mode, so not having to do anything different might be handy.


  • The MSDN Docs for CDialog::OnOK clearly states

    If you implement the OK button in a modeless dialog box, you must override the OnOK method and call DestroyWindow inside it. Do not call the base-class method, because it calls EndDialog which makes the dialog box invisible but does not destroy it

    So you would need to override CDialog::OnOK and call DestroyWindow() inside -- here's a modified example from MSDN:

    class CDlg : public CDialog
        BOOL m_bModal;
    CDlg::CDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
    : CDialog(CDlg::IDD, pParent)
        m_bModal = FALSE;
    INT_PTR CDlg::DoModal()
    {   m_bModal = TRUE;
        const INT_PTR rval = CDialog::DoModal();
        m_bModal = FALSE;
        return rval;
    void CDlg::OnOK() 
       if (!UpdateData(TRUE)) 
          TRACE(_T("UpdateData failed during dialog termination\n"));
          // The UpdateData routine will set focus to correct item
       if (m_bModal)
    void CDlg::OnCancel()
       if (m_bModal)