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PHP Regex for full names in a specific format

I'm trying to make a function to verify names on PHP using Regex, I want the names to be able to carry infinite amount of spaces and ' and -, and to allow only capital characters after spaces but to allow capital and none capitals after - and '.. Also the total length should be of 50 characters and the name should end with a lowercase, note that the uppercases are A to Z plus those characters :


and the lower cases are a to z plus those characters :


each word (between a space , ' or - and another) should count at least 2 characters the name should also start with an uppercase and finish with a lower case and in words (between a space , ' or - and another) no uppercases but that of the beginning is allowed

Examples of acceptable names are :

Adam Klsld

I've been trying a lot but here's my last try that I still keep in my php file, the others I've deleted in the chaos of non-successful attempts (using mb_ereg function to match, so this is a posix-ere):


(this does not necessarily mean it's the best attempt but I though it may help and give an idea on how much of a dork am I)


  • I wouldn't exactly suggest you use this... but I think this does what you want?


    Here it is in a non-code block so you can see how insane it is... think it strips some characters here though:
