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Connection of PEAR SOAP with WSDL to C# standalone .exe

I am trying to create a Web Service where parameters chosen from a web-page are sent to a standalone.exe written in C# which controls a CAD package installed on the server. The CAD package then generates an image based on the selected parameters chosen by the user on the front-end web-page. In a nut shell I need:

  1. User selects two parts
  2. Selected parts are sent to C# .exe
  3. C# runs CAD package, connects the parts, returns image of two parts
  4. User sees image

From what I understand, I need SOAP implementation with a visible WSDL. I had no problems running through tutorials and creating my own SOAP and WSDL and communicating on my local and remote servers between my own PHP functions.

Now I am trying to get a PHP written SOAP to be consumed by a C# standalone and that's where I am getting lost. I am relatively new to SOAP and WSDL but I understand the basics and functions of each. Additionally, I started using NUSOAP for my wsdl generation.

Is there a similar code package that allows the creation of WSDL files from c# methods that allow for SOAP connectivity?

Also, my client and the web page will always know the WSDL and the required parameters to be sent. Essentially, this is just a gateway between web and the CAD package.

Here is the Wheezly McDizzle

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


  <message name="getBlockedIP">
    <part name="idNumber" type="xsd:string"/>

  <message name="getBlockedIPResponse">
    <part name="ipAddress" type="xsd:string"/>

  <portType name="blockedIPPort">
    <operation name="getBlockedIP">
      <input message="typens:getBlockedIP" />
      <output message="typens:getBlockedIPResponse"/>

  <binding name="blockedIPBinding" type="typens:blockedIPPort">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name = "getBlockedIP" >
      <soap:operation soapAction = "urn:blockedIPAction" />
        <soap:body namespace="urn:getBlockedIP" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>
        <soap:body namespace="urn:getBlockedIP" use="encoded" encodingStyle=""/>

  <service name="getBlockedIPService">
    <port name="blockedIPPort" binding="blockedIPBinding">
      <soap:address location=""/>

The method that this is testing is a simple array fetch with a single parameter. It is just an array with 25 elements that contains blocked IPs and the user picks a number between 1-25 and the method spits out the IP related to that location in the array.

I mimicked the method in C# as a command prompt program with Console.WriteLine and Console.ReadLine(). (That is incorrect obviously as the C# program has to grab the parameters from the XML file rather that any user input)

So now I am stuck - my head is all jumbled up with WhizCheese Dulls and SOAP and XML. I am confused as to where to go from here. I am pro with front and back end Web development but still wet behind the ears when it comes to the .NET framework.

Essentially what I would like is someone to point me in the right direction to finally accomplish my first stated goal in this project. Is it even possible with the way i am doing things? Maybe SOAP is not the correct path? I am also getting confused as to how to send the parameters to a standalone c# .exe and have it consume it (like a hamburger...mmmmmmm).

Here is my soap instantiations in PHP on the remote server:


// WSDL location to be used with a WSDL instantiation of SOAP
$namespace = '';

// Parameters are easier sent as an array with associative keys
$params = array('arrayNum' => $number);

// include soap client (php.ini include_path set to installed PEAR location)
require_once 'SOAP/Client.php';

// create SOAP Client with an exposed WSDL location
$wsdl = new SOAP_WSDL($namespace);

//communicate with server, WSDL
$SoapClient = $wsdl->getProxy();

//call method with parameters
$ip = $SoapClient->call("getBlockedIP", $params);


// include soap server and create server object
require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
$soapServer = new SOAP_Server();
$server->_auto_translation = true;

// create class with desired method
$blockedip = new SoapTestClass();

// add class and namespace schema
$soapServer->addObjectMap($blockedip, '');

// respond with raw post

If you need anything else, ill gladly share. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any help you can offer! I Greatly appreciate it.


From what i have been reading maybe i have to turn on metadata yet i have no idea where this can be done?


I have been using NUSOAP to generate my WSDL files from php methods and connecting them to VISUAL STUDIO 2010 C# and they have been working. I am now stuck on reversing the process. I need php to send parameters to a C# method and have that .exe return something.


  • I went with a C# program that connects to MySQL and have it periodically check for new entries in a table.