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Is it legal to place using tr1::shared_ptr in namespace std in header?

Is it legal and good programming style to use std::tr1::shared_ptr as std::shared_ptr placing using directive in corresponding header? Like this:

namespace std
   using tr1::shared_ptr;

I know that it's bad to pollute entire namespace but what about this case? Are there any hidden gotchas? Target compiler is VS2008 but compatibility with later versions is also desired.


  • Technically, the Standard says that you enter the realm of Undefined Behavior if you do this: Namespace std [namespace.std]

    1 The behavior of a C++ program is undefined if it adds declarations or definitions to namespace std or to a namespace within namespace std unless otherwise specified.

    But in practice, you are likely to get away with it. Heck, even Scott Meyers proposed a similarly undefined namespace alias trick in Effective C++ 3rd Ed. (Item 54, p.268) to use Boost functionality as a stopgap for missing tr1 functionality.

    namespace std { using namespace tr1 = ::boost; }

    Your using declaration is also undefined behavior, but go ahead and jump right in.

    NOTE: comment it with a big fat warning, #define and #pragma around your compiler version and warnings, and as soon as you upgrade to a compiler/library that actually has std::shared_ptr, make sure to revisit that header and remove the code.