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Something between @include and @extend with sass

Is it possible to include a css rule in sass without duplicate the code? With extend we are extending the code, but i dont want that eiter. I want include it, without duplicating code.

For example


.heading {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-family: my-cool-font;

.box {
    background: red;
    h1 {
        @extend .heading;
        color: white;

.my-other-box {
    .heading {
        color: black;


<div class="box">
   <h1>My heading</h1>
<div class="my-other-box">
   <h1 class="heading">My heading</h1>


.heading, .box h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-family: my-cool-font;
.box {
    background: red;
.box h1 {
    color: white;

.my-other-box .heading,
.my-other-box .box h1,
.box .my-other-box h1 {
    color: black;

So the two last rules there are because its extending (I understand the benifits of it). But if i want to both use classes, and extends i dont want it to extend, just include it. But i dont want it to duplicate the code.

I want:


.heading, .box h1 {
    font-size: 16px;
    font-family: my-cool-font;
.box {
    background: red;
.box h1 {
    color: white;

.my-other-box .heading {
    color: black;


  • If you use an extend class (or use a class name that differs from one you're repeating elsewhere), you can get the output you're looking for:

    %heading, .heading {
        font-size: 16px;
        font-family: my-cool-font;
    .box {
        background: red;
        h1 {
            @extend %heading;
            color: white;
    .my-other-box {
        .heading {
            color: black;


    .box h1, .heading {
      font-size: 16px;
      font-family: my-cool-font;
    .box {
      background: red;
    .box h1 {
      color: white;
    .my-other-box .heading {
      color: black;