I have a csv file with this data in it
01/05/2013,Test,This is a test
03/05/2013,Test2,This is another test
I would like to format it like a news article so the html would be something like
<h6>Posted on $date</h6>
<h6>Posted on $date</h6>
I get the for each $line bit, but then not sure how to do the rest of it. Lots around about tables, but not this that I can find.
Can someone help out please?
thanks Neil
Something like this should work
foreach ($csvData as $line) {
'<article><h3>%s</h3><h6>Posted on %s</h6><p>%s</p>/article>',
explode(',', $line)
Edit based on @Gordon comment, using fgetcsv
while (($line = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
'<article><h3>%s</h3><h6>Posted on %s</h6><p>%s</p></article>',