This is an extremely basic question about OCMock expectations. Let's you have an instance method methodA on objectA that calls an instance method methodB on objectA.
- (void)methodA {
[self methodB];
- (void)methodB {
Now, let's say I want to verify that a partial mock of objectA invokes methodA and methodB. It seems like all you should have to do is:
- (void)test {
id mockObjectA = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:self.objectA];
[[mockObjectA expect] methodA];
[[mockObjectA expect] methodB];
[self.objectA methodA];
[mockObjectA verify];
When I run the test, it thinks that methodA was successfully invoked but that methodB was not successfully invoked. What am I misunderstanding?
Thanks for the help.
You need to tell the mock to forward the method call on to the real object so the implementation will actually run.
[[[mockObjectA expect] andForwardToRealObject] methodA];