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Convert FileUpload to X509Certificate2

How can I convert an uploaded file to an X509Certificate2 variable?

I have tried using the following code but it is not working:

public bool hasPublicKey(FileUpload file)
    bool check = false;

         X509Certificate2 cert = (X509Certificate2)file.PostedFile.InputStream;
         check = false;


  • If the uploaded file is a valid certificate you should have a look at the constructor or Import method in the X509Certificate2 class.

    You'll see that you need to something like this:

    var fileLength = file.PostedFile.ContentLength;
    var certdata = new byte[fileLength];
    file.FileContent.Read(certData, 0, fileLength);
    var cert = new X509Certificate2(certData);

    (code not verified but it, or something very similar, should work).