I am trying to update a bunch of columns in a DB for testing purposes of a feature. I have a table that is built with hibernate so all of the columns that are created for an embedded entity begin with the same name. I.e. contact_info_address_street1
, contact_info_address_street2
, etc.
I am trying to figure out if there is a way to do something to the affect of:
UPDATE table SET contact_info_address_* = null;
If not, I know I can do it the long way, just looking for a way to help myself out in the future if I need to do this all over again for a different set of columns.
There's no handy shortcut sorry. If you have to do this kind of thing a lot, you could create a function to dynamically execute sql and achieve your goal.
EXECUTE (select 'UPDATE table SET '
|| array_to_string(array(
select column_name::text
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'table'
and column_name::text like 'contact_info_address_%'
),' = NULL,')
|| ' = NULL');
RETURN true;
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- run the function
SELECT reset_cols();
It's not very nice though. A better function would be one that accepts the tablename and column prefix as args. Which I'll leave as an exercise for the readers :)