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Serial port communication in Qt

I am new to Qt and need to prepare a project to send hex commands from rs232. QString line contains 64bit binary data which i have to convert into hexadecimal and send it through rs232 .

 QString a=ui->comboBox->currentText();
    QString s1;
    s1="./calc "+a;
    QProcess p1;
    QString line ;
           QFile file("TeleOutput.txt");
    if (! | QIODevice::Text))
     QTextStream in (&file);
  line = in.readAll();

So, how to convert 64 bit binary data in QString line to hexadecimal value and transfer it through rs232?


  • First of all - you should really use QtSerialPort

    Second of all - QString is a class, which works with actual string. QByteArray works with raw data. When you write QString line = in.readAll(); it implicitly calls QString(const QByteArray &ba), which uses QString::fromAscii.

    Last of all, if you want to process 64bit integers, you should do something like this:

    quint64 d;
    QDataStream stream(&file);
    while (!stream.atEnd())
        stream >> d;



    My problem is that in plainTextEdit "1111110101000101010101010101010101010101010101010101010......." 64 bit data is populated , i need to convert this data into hex and send it through rs232


    QString binData = plainTextEdit.toPlainText();
    QByteArray result;
    while (binData.size() >= 64)
        quint64 d;
        QString dataPiece = binData.left(64);
        binData.remove(0, 64);
        d = dataPiece.toULongLong(0, 2);
        result += QByteArray::number(d);

    Where _com is a pointer to QtSerialPort, with all parameters set and opened without errors.