I have a BindingSource filter with multiple conditions. The reason for that is so I could have a single search_textbox to find a specific record...
I have one problem though, I have a slightly more permanent condition"Status LIKE '{0}' AND...", but once I type anything, that restriction is ignored. I assumed the 'AND' would take care of that, but apparently I was mistaken.
bs.Filter = String.Format("Status LIKE '*{0}*' AND Customer_Code LIKE '*{1}*' OR Customer_Name LIKE '*{1}*' OR Customer_JobNumber LIKE '*{1}*' OR Customer_Date LIKE '*{1}*' OR Order_Number LIKE '*{1}*'", select, textBox1.Text);
Any advice? Thanks Kindly
Herman Vercuiel
Sorry, probably should have mentioned this is recurring inside a TextChanged Event..
Don't you need to add a couple of parenthesys around your conditions?
bs.Filter = String.Format("Status LIKE '*{0}*' AND ( Customer_Code LIKE '*{1}*' " +
"OR Customer_Name LIKE '*{1}*' OR Customer_JobNumber LIKE '*{1}*' " +
"OR Customer_Date LIKE '*{1}*' OR Order_Number LIKE '*{1}*')",
select, textBox1.Text);
To mean STATUS LIKE '*<select>* AND (one or more the following condition is true)