Search code examples

Drop set of columns with only null values from a table using SQL Server 2008

Take for example this example as an illustration so you can see what Î'm trying to do.

This is how the final table of the pivoted information looks like.

Create Table [#Comparative]
    Branch char(32),
    [2004_January] numeric (18,2),
    [2005_January] numeric (18,2),
    [2006_January] numeric (18,2),
    [2007_January] numeric (18,2),
    [2008_January] numeric (18,2),

INSERT INTO [#Comparative]
VALUES ('Angeles', NULL, 13550.20, 7820.50, NULL, NULL),
       ('Detroit', NULL, 13550.20, 7820.50, NULL, NULL),
       ('New York', NULL, 13550.20, 7820.50, NULL, NULL),
       ('Arizona', NULL, 13550.20, 7820.50, NULL, NULL)

Select * from [#Comparative]

How could i create a procedure or statement to drop the set of columns that contains only NULL values taking into account the columns on the table will be changing as the table is created from other query that takes information of daily sales to group sum(sales) monthly depending on the interval of the selected date.


  • Dynamically create a SQL statement and then run that command. This script drop set of columns with only null values from a temporary table(passed as parameter in SP).

    CREATE PROC dbo.dropColumn
    @tempTableName nvarchar(100)
      DECLARE @dml nvarchar(max) = N''
      SELECT @dml += 'IF (SELECT MIN(' + QUOTENAME( + ') FROM [dbo].' + QUOTENAME(@tempTableName) + ') IS NULL' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
                     'BEGIN' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
                     '  EXEC (''ALTER TABLE [dbo].' + QUOTENAME(@tempTableName) + ' DROP COLUMN ' + QUOTENAME( + ''')' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
                     'END' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
      FROM tempdb.sys.tables t JOIN tempdb.sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id
      WHERE t.object_id = OBJECT_ID('[tempdb].[dbo].' + QUOTENAME(@tempTableName))
      --PRINT @dml
      EXEC sp_executesql @dml
    EXEC dbo.dropColumn '#Comparative'


    Branch                              2005_January    2006_January
    Angeles                             13550.20        7820.50
    Detroit                             13550.20        7820.50
    New York                            13550.20        7820.50
    Arizona                             13550.20        7820.50