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If condition on a gridview for boundfield?

I have a gridview with the following boundfiled. DataField is decimal value. If the value is anything higher than 0 I want to display as True in grdiview else false. How to do , if conditon for the boundfileld . can anyone help. I can use TemplateField if that gives the solution.

<asp:BoundField HeaderText="fieldone" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left"
    DataField="Higher" NullDisplayText="0">
    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left"></HeaderStyle>
    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left"></ItemStyle>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="fieldtwo" Rebate" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left"
    DataField="Lower" NullDisplayText="0">
    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left"></HeaderStyle>
    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Left"></ItemStyle>


  • You can use a templatefield & drop a label control inside it. Something like

                        <asp:Label ID="lblStatus" runat="server" Text='<%# (Convert.ToDecimal(Eval("UnitPrice")) > 0) ? "True" : "False"   %>'></asp:Label>

    Alternatively, you can also use RowDataBound event of gridview & use FindControl to apply the same.