Here is the link to jsfiddle code of handsontable
. As the button is pressed, the data set goes to console. I have two different pieces of JavaScript code on my webpage. One of them contains handsontable
. How can i transfer (dump) the data to an array belonging to a different piece of script (instead of console)? Is there any way to create a static
array seen to ALL pieces of scripts (like in Java)?
Here is the scheme:
<div id="mytable" class="handsontable"> </div>
// Here the user inserts the data to the handsontable. As she presses the button, data should go to the second piece of script.
<div id="target" class=""> </div>
//the target array is here, and it needs to be filled with the data from the above piece of script as the button is pressed.
There are many way to do it for example:
1.) create global variable to hold the data
<div id="mytable" class="handsontable"> </div>
// set data = getCarData();
<div id="target" class="class"> </div>
//get data
var array =;
2.) If you use jQuery:
// you can bind data to element
$('table').data('key', 'value');
// and then get it