I have a PHP login script with salt on the database, but in my register script I see:
$qry = "INSERT INTO accounts(username, firstname, lastname, password) " .
VALUES('$username','$fname','$lname','" . md5($_POST['password']) . "')";
and for the login:
$qry="SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username='$username' AND password='" .
md5($_POST['password']) . "'";
Is there some code that can replace the MD5? Something more secure?
I've heard of SHA1 or something.
Short answer
Use bcrypt
not md5
or sha1
Longer answer
Using the crypt()
is hard. There is a new PHP password hashing API coming in PHP version 5.5, you can read about it here:
It uses bcrypt
and makes the whole process very easy. Of course php 5.5 isn't ready yet, so in the meantime there is a library to provide this new API right now:
Edit: See this thread for a much more thorough answer on the topic: