I have a class called Circle used in a physics simulation.
A circle is declared as follows:
class Circle : public IPhysics,
public IRenderable
The circles are created, then stored in a vector using their IRenderable pointer like so:
Circle* pC = new Circle(
vec2( vCircles[x]._x, vCircles[x]._y ), // position
vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), // velocity
vec2(0.0f, -g_kGRAVITY), // acceleration
_ClientCfg.rGridSquareSideLen * 0.1f, // radius
colour, colour // colour, motion colour
if( pC != nullptr )
After they've been rendered, they're deleted from the back buffer like so:
std::vector<IRenderable*> _pbkBuffer;
_pBkBuffer->erase( _pBkBuffer->begin(), _pBkBuffer->end() );
This delete is causing memory leaks.
In order to erase objects from the back buffer vector, will I first have to cast them back to their leaf class types (e.g. Circle type or other leaf class type?)
edit: I'm thinking that I'd need something like this:
_pBkBuffer->begin() + _nStaticRenderables, _pBkBuffer->end(),
[]( IRenderable* p )
if( typeid(*p) == typeid(Circle) )
Circle* pC = dynamic_cast<Circle*>(p);
delete pC;
You don't have to cast them back to Circle *
(assuming the destructor of IRenderable
is virtual
). But you do need to call delete
on each pointer in the vector
before calling vector::erase
A much, much better option is to change std::vector<IRenderable*> _pbkBuffer;
to std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IRenderable>> _pbkBuffer;
. Now calling erase
should not leak any memory.
The dynamic_cast
above is unnecessary; pC
is implicitly convertible to IRenderable *