I'm getting this exception when trying to open shelve persisted files over a certain size which is actually pretty small (< 1MB) but I'm not sure where the exactly number is. Now, I know pickle is sort of the bastard child of python and shelve isn't thought of as a particularly robust solution, but it happens to solve my problem wonderfully (in theory) and I haven't been able to find a reason for this exception.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_shelve.py", line 27, in <module>
print len(f.keys())
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shelve.py", line 101, in keys
return self.dict.keys()
SystemError: Negative size passed to PyString_FromStringAndSize
I can reproduce it consistently, but I haven't found much on google. Here's a script that will reproduce.
import shelve
import random
import string
import pprint
f = shelve.open('test')
# f = {}
def rand_list(list_size=20, str_size=40):
return [''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for j in range(str_size)]) for i in range(list_size)]
def recursive_dict(depth=3):
if depth==0:
return rand_list()
d = {}
for k in rand_list():
d[k] = recursive_dict(depth-1)
return d
for k,v in recursive_dict(2).iteritems():
f[k] = v
f = shelve.open('test')
print len(f.keys())
Regarding error itself:
The idea circulating on the web is the data size exceeded the largest integer possible on that machine (the largest 32 bit (signed) integer is 2 147 483 647), interpreted as a negative size by Python.
Your code is running with 2.7.3
, so may be a fixed bug.