I tried various combinations and always get a timeout I can't change through configuration as indicated in documentation.
Here is part of my web.xml:
<!--10 minutes-->
<!--10 minutes-->
When I set org.atmosphere.websocket.maxIdleTime, the timeout is immediat and it does not work at all.
Changing org.atmosphere.cpr.CometSupport.maxInactiveActivity seems to have no impact. It always timeouts after 1 minute.
I tried each parameter alone, and together.
timedout():424, AsynchronousProcessor {org.atmosphere.cpr}
I also tried that:
AtmosphereRequest req = r.getRequest();
// First, tell Atmosphere
// to allow bi-directional communication by suspending.
if (req.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET"))
r.suspend(10 * 60 * 1000);
Update As a work around, I upgraded to 1.1.0.RC1 and used this:
This is a great addition.
Still I can't configure the server side timeout.
Please file an issue on Github so it gets fixed for RC2.