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NSight skipping breakpoints while debugging

I have a cuda application which I am trying to debug using parallel Nsight debugger. I have a breakpoint in my kernel function. But when I am trying to debug the code the debugger is not stopping at the breakpoint and printing out the result straight away. I have searched about this and I also got a post like this one. But I have checked "Generate GPU Debug Information" in the property page of my project and it is already turned to "Yes (-G0)". I have also set breakpoints in one of the Nvidia sample program like matrixMulCUDA and I can easily debug their program and able to see the details. So I don't know exactly what I should do or what other settings I need to change so that I could debug my program. There are few more information I would like to provide : 1. I am using Microsoft visual studio 2010 2. My GPU card is NVidia 560ti. 3 I am using CUDA 5.0 and parallel NSight visual studio version 2.2.

Here are some screenshots of the the host code function from where I am calling the kernel and also a portion of the kernel function where I have set the breakpoint. Any help would be very much appreciated.


  • We've fixed many bugs such as these in NVIDIA Nsight 3.0 RC2. I recommend all users upgrade to to NVIDIA Nsight 3.0 as soon as possible. It is a free download available from the Nsight Registered Developers Program.