I am writing a game. By tick timer should work the this slot.
void game_process::animate_cell(MainWindow* m, const std::string& s, double x,double y, size_t i, size_t j, const std::string& step)
std::string ss("C:\\Users\\Vardan\\GAmes_lines\\res\\red_" + step + ".png");
ss += s;
const char* p = ss.c_str();
QImage image(p);
RECT temp = cal
culate_cell_rect(i, j);
QRectF target(x, y, image.width(), image.height());
painter.drawImage(target, image);
m->update(x + temp.x0, y + temp.y0, 60, 60);
, that's it,
QTimer * timer = new QTimer (this); connect (timer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (render_cell (MainWindow * m, const std :: string & s, double x, double y, size_t i, size_t j, const std :: string & step))); timer-> start ();
But as you can see the slot more parameters than the signal, and hence signals and slots mechanism does not work. What to do? Here cod
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTime>
#include <phonon/MediaObject>
#include <phonon/MediaSource>
#include <phonon/AudioOutput>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
QImage image("C:\\Users\\Vardan\\GAmes_lines\\res\\back_3.png");
m_width = 1000;
m_height = 800;
m_game_width = image.width();
m_game_height = image.height();
setFixedSize(m_width, m_height);
m_click_coords.first = 0;
m_click_coords.second = 0;
m_timer_tick = false;
m_timer_id = 0;
setWindowFlags( Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
m_area_x0_coordinate = (this->width() - image.width())/2;
m_area_y0_coordinate = (this->height() - image.height())/2;
m_r = new game_process(m_area_x0_coordinate, m_area_y0_coordinate, image.width()/*+30*/, image.height()/*+30*/, 57);
m_status = false;
Phonon::MediaObject *mediaobject = new Phonon::MediaObject;
QString filename("C://Users//Vardan//GAmes_lines//music//Casino Ambiance Music.wav");
Phonon::AudioOutput *audio = new Phonon::AudioOutput;
QPixmap pixmap("C:\\Users\\Vardan\\GAmes_lines\\res\\background.png");
QPalette palette;
palette.setBrush(/*this->backgroundRole()*/QPalette::Background, QBrush(pixmap));
MainWindow::MainWindow(std::string& str, QWidget *parent):
double MainWindow::get_mouse_click_absolute_x_coordinate() const
return m_area_x0_coordinate;
double MainWindow::get_mouse_click_absolute_y_coordinate() const
return m_area_y0_coordinate;
void MainWindow::set_mouse_click_absolute_x_coordinate(double x)
m_area_x0_coordinate = x;
void MainWindow::set_mouse_click_absolute_y_coordinate(double y)
m_area_y0_coordinate = y;
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
if(m_status == false)
game_process::RECT temp = m_r->calculate_cell_rect(m_click_coords.first, m_click_coords.second);
int x = m_area_x0_coordinate + temp.x0;
int y = m_area_y0_coordinate + temp.y0;
std::pair<double, double> p;
for(int i = 2; i < 8; ++i)
char buf[sizeof(int)];
itoa(i, buf, 10);
std::string s(buf);
m_r->erase_frame(this, x, y);
while(m_timer_tick == false){}
p = m_r->draw_frame(this, m_click_coords.first, m_click_coords.second, s.c_str());
m_timer_tick = false;
m_status = false;
bool MainWindow::delay(int ms)
QTime dieTime = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(ms);
while( QTime::currentTime() < dieTime )
return true;
void MainWindow::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
qDebug() << "Local:" << e->pos().x();
qDebug() << "Local:" << e->pos().y();
std::pair<double, double> p = m_r->calculate_index_of_the_coordinates(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y(), m_width, m_height);
if(m_area_x0_coordinate <= e->pos().x() && m_area_y0_coordinate <= e->pos().y()
&& m_area_x0_coordinate + m_game_width >= e->pos().x() && m_area_y0_coordinate + m_game_height >= e->pos().y() )
m_status = true;
m_click_coords.first = p.first;
m_click_coords.second = p.second;
game_process::RECT coords = m_r->calculate_cell_rect(p.first, p.second);
Figure* f = m_r->detect_figure_by_index(p.first, p.second);
m_r->delete_cluster(this, f);
game_process::RECT r;
qDebug() << "Local:" << p.first;
qDebug() << "Local:" << p.second;
void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
m_timer_tick = true;
void MainWindow::start_timer()
m_timer_id = startTimer(1000 / 30);
void MainWindow::end_timer()
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *e)
switch (e->type())
case QEvent::WindowActivate:
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
return true;
return QWidget::event(e);
I noticed that the timer does not start from paintEvent, and I need what he started with paintEvent. What to do?
I adjusted the code following your advice.
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "game_process.h"
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QResizeEvent>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTime>
#include <phonon/MediaObject>
#include <phonon/MediaSource>
#include <phonon/AudioOutput>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
QImage image("C:\\Users\\Vardan\\GAmes_lines\\res\\back_3.png");
m_width = 1000;
m_height = 800;
m_game_width = image.width();
m_game_height = image.height();
setFixedSize(m_width, m_height);
m_click_coords.first = 0;
m_click_coords.second = 0;
m_next_cell = 0;
m_frame_count = 2;
m_timer_tick = false;
m_timer_id = 0;
m_matrix_size = 0;
m_timer_flag = false;
setWindowFlags( Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
m_area_x0_coordinate = (this->width() - image.width())/2;
m_area_y0_coordinate = (this->height() - image.height())/2;
m_r = new game_process(m_area_x0_coordinate, m_area_y0_coordinate, image.width()/*+30*/, image.height()/*+30*/, 57);
m_status = false;
Phonon::MediaObject *mediaobject = new Phonon::MediaObject;
QString filename("C://Users//Vardan//GAmes_lines//music//Casino Ambiance Music.wav");
Phonon::AudioOutput *audio = new Phonon::AudioOutput;
QPixmap pixmap("C:\\Users\\Vardan\\GAmes_lines\\res\\background.png");
QPalette palette;
palette.setBrush(/*this->backgroundRole()*/QPalette::Background, QBrush(pixmap));
MainWindow::MainWindow(std::string& str, QWidget *parent):
double MainWindow::get_mouse_click_absolute_x_coordinate() const
return m_area_x0_coordinate;
double MainWindow::get_mouse_click_absolute_y_coordinate() const
return m_area_y0_coordinate;
void MainWindow::set_mouse_click_absolute_x_coordinate(double x)
m_area_x0_coordinate = x;
void MainWindow::set_mouse_click_absolute_y_coordinate(double y)
m_area_y0_coordinate = y;
void MainWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
static int ind = 0;
if(m_status == false && m_timer_tick != true)
std::pair<double, double> p;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
static int s = m_r->get_close_map_size();
static std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > v = m_r->get_close_map_indexes();
if(m_frame_count >= 7)
m_frame_count = 2;
if(m_next_cell <= v.size())
game_process::RECT temp = m_r->calculate_cell_rect(v[m_next_cell].second, v[m_next_cell].first);
x = m_area_x0_coordinate + temp.x0;
y = m_area_y0_coordinate + temp.y0;
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
if(m_next_cell == 0)
game_process::RECT temp = m_r->calculate_cell_rect(v[m_next_cell].second, v[m_next_cell].first);
x = m_area_x0_coordinate + temp.x0;
y = m_area_y0_coordinate + temp.y0;
m_x = x;
m_y = y;
if(m_frame_count < 7 && m_next_cell < v.size())
char buf[sizeof(int)];
itoa(m_frame_count, buf, 10);
std::string s(buf);
m_r->erase_frame(this, x, y);
p = m_r->draw_frame(this, v[m_next_cell].second, v[m_next_cell].first, s.c_str());
m_timer_tick = false;
c = true;
if(c == false && m_next_cell > v.size() - 1)
qDebug()<<"m_x = " << m_x;
qDebug()<<"m_y = " << m_y;
qDebug()<<"m_frame_count + 1 = " << m_frame_count + 1;
qDebug()<<"v.size() = " << v.size();
m_status = false;
void MainWindow::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent* e)
qDebug() << "Local:" << e->pos().x();
qDebug() << "Local:" << e->pos().y();
std::pair<double, double> p = m_r->calculate_index_of_the_coordinates(e->pos().x(), e->pos().y(), m_width, m_height);
if(m_area_x0_coordinate <= e->pos().x() && m_area_y0_coordinate <= e->pos().y()
&& m_area_x0_coordinate + m_game_width >= e->pos().x() && m_area_y0_coordinate + m_game_height >= e->pos().y() )
m_status = true;
m_click_coords.first = p.first;
m_click_coords.second = p.second;
game_process::RECT coords = m_r->calculate_cell_rect(p.first, p.second);
Figure* f = m_r->detect_figure_by_index(p.first, p.second);
m_r->delete_cluster(this, f);
//this->update(m_area_x0_coordinate + coords.x0, m_area_y0_coordinate + coords.y0, 57, 57);
game_process::RECT r;
qDebug() << "Local:" << p.first;
qDebug() << "Local:" << p.second;
void MainWindow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
if(event->timerId() == m_timer_id)
m_timer_tick = true;
if(m_x >=0 && m_y >=0)
qDebug()<<"m_x "<<m_x <<"m_y "<<m_y<<"time |||||| Passed";
this->update(m_x, m_y, 60, 60);
void MainWindow::start_timer()
m_timer_id = startTimer(50);
void MainWindow::end_timer()
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *e)
switch (e->type())
case QEvent::WindowActivate:
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
return true;
return QWidget::event(e);
Here's the code repaint_cells()
void game_process::repaint_cells(MainWindow* m)
Figure* f = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
if(m_close_list[j][i] == -1)
f = create_new_figure(j, i);
assert(f != 0);
draw_figure(m, f, i, j);
m_close_list[j][i] = 0;
For two days I can not understand why only one ball is drawn. Тhe remaining balls are not drawn.
I see from your code snippet that you are passing a pointer to MainWindow
to your render_cell()
function, which I assume is some kind of widget or class derived from QObject.
In that case you could override the timerEvent()
, which is defined for each QObject
class and implement your game loop here. This way the parameters of your render_cell()
could be be member variables of MainWindow
, or your entire game_process
class could be embedded in MainWindow
Also, I think this approach is a little faster than using signals, which might be important for code that has to render something 30-60 times per second and update a bunch of other things.
For documentation see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qobject.html#timerEvent
In pseudo code, you could implement your game like this:
class MainWindow : public QWidget
game_process *game;
int timer_id;
: QWidget(0),
game = new game_process;
void startGame(void)
timer_id = startTimer(1000 / 30); // 30 fps
void endGame(void)
virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
// update AI
// update network
// render game
game->render_cell(/* params */);