This question is in a sense a follow up to this post and based on the solution showed on this post. But anyway I'll try to ask it in a complete way.
I have custom button with a background selector composed of a normal state Drawable and a press state Drawable. The Drawables colors are changed in the method onSizeChanged()
using a PorterDuffColorFilter
getBackground().mutate().setColorFilter(backGroundColor, Mode.MULTIPLY);
This part works OK. But I wanted to improve the color selection by changing the Hue as pointed by @kcoppock in his post.
using the recommended code, I see the matrix in Eclipse using the debugger and it seems fine.ColorMatrixColorFIlter
instead of the PorterDuffColorFilter
the button drawables stay uncolored as if the filter is not applied or has no effect.And a second question, related: How do I go about changing each Drawable in the selector to a different color?
Some more info, following the code with the debugger I see this matrix, for a Hue shift of 240 degrees (or -120 degrees) (floats clipped to 3 decimal places)
[ 0.004, 1.692, -0.696, 0.000, 0.000 ]
[ 0.196, 0.451, 0.353, 0.000, 0.000 ]
[ 1.001, 0.453, -0.454, 0.000, 0.000 ]
[ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, 0.000 ]
To my understanding this matrix is not near the identity matrix, you can even see that each row sum is exactly 1, so colors should shift. I should have seen some color change in my buttons.
Moreover, just to see that this matrix is being taken I hardcoded it to delete the R component
[ 0 0 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 0 ]
and then I see the buttons in CYAN color, so it means the filter is working, but I cannot get the hue shifts.
After debugging the code and ensuring the matrices are generated OK, and the filter is applied I started to suspect that the problem does not rely in the code, but in the base image I use for the buttons.
The base image is a Photoshop generated 24bit PNG with transparencies and all colors are shades of gray.
I opened it with Microsoft Office Picture Manager and went to Edit Pictures... and to the color tool.
To my surprise changing the Hue there also did not change the color. I had to move the Amount
slider to get some color, only then the hue had any effect.
Note: I should have known better, since I researched also how to convert a color from RGB to HSL o get the desired Hue. And the conversion algorithm clearly differentiates Achromatic colors from Chromatic colors. Achromatic colors are those where R=G=B and for them the hue value is undefined and has no meaning since the saturation is 0. So probably applying a Hue shift to an Achromatic value will not change it at all.