I've got a technical problem while trying to consume a restful web service on the Stream server.
I use HTTPClient.openUrl to retrieve a JSON response from another remote server but once the connection is opened, I can no longer write response(connect.response.write) to my browser client.
The error is listed as following:
Unhandled exception:
Bad state: StreamSink is closed
#0 _FutureImpl._scheduleUnhandledError.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:325:9)
#1 Timer.run.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2251:21)
#2 Timer.run.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2259:13)
#3 Timer.Timer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async-patch:15:15)
#4 _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (dart:io:6730:28)
#5 _Timer._createTimerHandler._handleTimeout (dart:io:6738:7)
#6 _Timer._createTimerHandler.<anonymous closure> (dart:io:6746:23)
#7 _ReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate-patch:81:92)
Any one knows the correct way of calling web services on the stream server?
The key is you have to return Future, since your task (openUrl) is asynchronous. In your sample code, you have to do:
return conn.then((HttpClientRequest request) {
//^-- notice: you must return a future to indicate when the serving is done
For more information, refer to Request Handling. To avoid this kind of mistake, I post a feature request here.
Here is a working sample:
library issues;
import "dart:io";
import "dart:uri";
import "package:rikulo_commons/io.dart" show IOUtil;
import "package:stream/stream.dart";
void main() {
new StreamServer(uriMapping: {
"/": (connect)
=> new HttpClient().getUrl(new Uri("http://google.com"))
.then((req) => req.close())
.then((res) => IOUtil.readAsString(res))
.then((result) {