I have the ransack search data saved in the DB, in form of a hash:
{"name_cont"=>"an", "c"=>{"1366814870748"=>{"a"=>{"0"=>{"name"=>"gender"}}, "p"=>"eq", "v"=>{"0"=>{"value"=>"female"}}}, "1366814890125"=>{"a"=>{"0"=>{"name"=>"shoe_size"}}, "p"=>"gt", "v"=>{"0"=>{"value"=>"2"}}}}}
Then I create a ransack form from it:
@search = Sedcard.search hash
<%= search_form_for @search %>
How can I iterate through the conditions to create selects based on the form object similar to the one presented in railscasts?
At the end I managed to find the proper code. It was in the ransack demo example:
The example is a little bit complex because the first field (search field for name) is shown elsewhere and it is static so it need not to be shown twice. And ransack appends a last empty filter with nothing preselected therefore I am filtering that out too.
= f.condition_fields do |c|
- render_attribute = true
= c.attribute_fields do |a|
- regular_for_nondisplay = /\<option value=\"name\" selected\=\"selected\"\>Name\<\/option\>/
- regular_for_checking_not_empty = /selected=\"selected\"/
- filter_name = a.attribute_select
- if filter_name =~ regular_for_nondisplay || filter_name !~ regular_for_checking_not_empty
- render_attribute = false
- else
= filter_name
- if render_attribute
= c.predicate_select
= c.value_fields do |v|
= v.text_field :value
= link_to t('.remove'), '#', class: 'remove-fields btn-a btn-error'