I have one table that I'm using to build groups with in my database. The table contains a list of group names and ids. I have another table that has users, and a third table showing the relationships. (userid, groupid).
The situation is this, I need to create a list of userids that belong to a specific subset of groups. So for instance, I want all users that are in group 1, 3, and 8. That is straight forward enough. It gets more complicated though, I may need a list of all users that are in groups 1, 3, and 8, or 1, 2, and 8. Then I might need to exclude users that fit that criteria, but are also in group 27.
So I've got a script dynamically creating a query, using sub queries that works to a point. I have two problems with it. I don't think I'm handling the not-in part properly, because as I ad criteria, eventually, it just kinda hangs. (I think this is a result of me using sub-selects instead of joins, but I could not figure out how to build this with joins.)
Here is an example of a query with 4 ANDed OR groups, and 2 NOT clauses.
Please let me know if there is a better way to optimize this stmt. (I can handle the dynamic building of it in PHP)
If I need to clarify anything or provide more details, let me know.
select * from users_table where username IN
select user_id from
select distinct user_id from group_user_map where user_id in
select user_id from
select * from
select count(*) as counter, user_id from
select distinct(user_id) from group_user_map where group_id in (2601,119)
union all
select distinct(user_id) from group_user_map where group_id in (58,226)
union all
select distinct(user_id) from group_user_map where group_id in (1299,525)
union all
select distinct(user_id) from group_user_map where group_id in (2524,128)
thegroups group by user_id
getall where counter = 4
and user_id not in
select user_id from group_user_map where group_id in (2572)
Note, the first part of the query is comparing an id to a username. This is because I have the usernames stored as id's from the other table. (This whole thing is a link between two completely different databases).
(Also, if it looks like I have any extra sub-queries, that was to try to force mysql to evaluate the inner queries first.)
Avoiding subselects used for IN clauses:-
FROM users_table
SELECT Sub1.user_id
SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter, user_id
SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2601,119)
SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (58,226)
SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (1299,525)
SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2524,128)
) thegroups
GROUP BY user_id
HAVING counter = 4
) Sub1
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2572)) Sub2
ON group_user_map.user_id = Sub2.user_id
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL
) Sub3
ON users_table.username = Sub3.user_id
Or avoiding using the COUNTs to check that the user id exists in all 4 tables, instead using inner joins
FROM users_table
SELECT Sub1.user_id
SELECT z.user_id
SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2601,119)) z
(SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (58,226)) y ON z.user_id = y.user_id
(SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (1299,525)) x ON z.user_id = x.user_id
(SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2524,128)) w ON z.user_id = w.user_id
) Sub1
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2572)) Sub2
ON group_user_map.user_id = Sub2.user_id
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL
) Sub3
ON users_table.username = Sub3.user_id
Cleaning up that 2nd query a bit
FROM users_table
SELECT z.user_id
FROM (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2601,119)) z
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (58,226)) y
ON z.user_id = y.user_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (1299,525)) x
ON z.user_id = x.user_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2524,128)) w
ON z.user_id = w.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2572)) Sub2
ON z.user_id = Sub2.user_id
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL
) Sub3
ON users_table.username = Sub3.user_id
Using your SQL in the comment below, it can be cleaned up to :-
select SQL_NO_CACHE id
from users_table
INNER JOIN ( SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (0, 67) ) ij1
ON users_table.username = ij1.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT user_id FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (0) ) Sub2
ON users_table.username = Sub2.user_id
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL
Cleaning up my SQL in the same way:-
SELECT users_table.*
FROM users_table
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2601,119)) z ON users_table.username = z.user_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (58,226)) y ON users_table.username = y.user_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (1299,525)) x ON users_table.username = x.user_id
INNER JOIN (SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2524,128)) w ON users_table.username = w.user_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT user_id FROM group_user_map WHERE group_id IN (2572)) Sub2 ON users_table.username = Sub2.user_id
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL
Removing the subselects and doing the joins directly (might help or hinder, suspect it will depend on how many duplicate user_id records there are for each set of group_id records)
SELECT DISTINCT users_table.*
FROM users_table
INNER JOIN group_user_map z ON users_table.username = z.user_id AND z.group_id IN (2601,119)
INNER JOIN group_user_map y ON users_table.username = y.user_id AND y.group_id IN (58,226)
INNER JOIN group_user_map x ON users_table.username = x.user_id AND x.group_id IN (1299,525)
INNER JOIN group_user_map w ON users_table.username = w.user_id AND w.group_id IN (2524,128)
LEFT OUTER JOIN group_user_map Sub2 ON users_table.username = Sub2.user_id AND Sub2.group_id IN (2572)
WHERE Sub2.user_id IS NULL