I've read a lot of posts on this general subject but I still can't seem to figure it out.
I'm building a Mac/PC desktop application. When a user first authorizes the app, I want to store their info in an online Mysql database. I'm using the JUCE library to call and handle a php file online which in turn handles the updating of the online database. On my desktop app:
String url = "http://www.syntorial.com/onlinePHPFileToCall.php?email=" + email + "&computer=" + SystemStats::getComputerName();
URL authURL(url);
InputStream *input = authURL.createInputStream(true);
String result = input->readString();
And the php file:
$result = "";
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost','username','password','dbname');
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
$result = "connection failed";
$email = $_GET['email'];
$computer = $_GET['computer'];
$query = "UPDATE UserInfo SET computer = '$computer' WHERE email = '$email'";
if ($queryResult = $mysqli->query($query))
$result = "true";
$result = "false";
echo $result;
The result comes back "true" on my desktop app, but the information doesn't actually get saved into the database. If instead of
InputStream *input = authURL.createInputStream(true);
I use:
it opens up the php file in a browser and everything works fine. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Turns out the "true" argument in CreateInputStream was telling it to use POST data instead of GET so the call was ignoring the GET data. Thanks the help.