I'd like to see some sort of 'state' field on each item in the checklist object returned from a query in this form:
# Response:
{u'checkItems': [{u'id': u'blahblahblah1',
u'name': u'Some checklist item',
u'pos': 424242,
u'type': u'check'},
Also, it seems that the following method does return the state, but only for completed checklist items:
# Response:
So does this mean that the results of several queries have to be synthesized in order to get an accurate view of the state of all the checklist on a given card? I'd love to get all the information about all checklists (including the state of each item) on a card in a single query. Am I missing something?
If you add the /checkItems
switch to the path, you will see the states for each item:
/1/checklists/[checkListId]/checkitems?key=[your appKey]
{"state":"complete","id":"XXX","name":"hex support","pos":16804},
{"state":"incomplete","id":"XXX","name":"funky chars","pos":33233}
They have since added it to the base call (as you have it) as well.