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Template class with a friend function which is inside a nested namespace

I'm trying to create a template class with a friend function which is inside a nested namespace. It works fine if I remove all the namespaces or if I remove all the templatization. But with both in place it won't compile. Let's look at some code:

namespace MyNamespace
    // Forward declaration
    template <typename Type>
    class Container;

    // Forward declaration
    namespace AccessPrivateImplementation
        template <typename Type>
        Type getValue(Container<Type>* container);

    // Templatized class
    template <typename Type>
    class Container
        friend Type AccessPrivateImplementation::getValue(Container<Type>* volume);
        Type value;

    // Friend function inside a namespace
    namespace AccessPrivateImplementation
        template <typename Type>
        Type getValue(Container<Type>* container)
            return container->value;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    MyNamespace::Container<int> cont;
    return 0;

The compiler (VS2010) tells me:

error C2248: 'MyNamespace::Container::value' : cannot access private member declared in class 'MyNamespace::Container'

Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing?


  • The friend declaration inside the Container class template declares a friend non-template function getValue() that lives in the AccessPrivateImplementation namespace.

    However, you haven't provided such a function. Instead, what you have in the AccessPrivateImplementation namespace is a function template, whose appropriate specialization you want to be friend of Container<T> (for a given T).

    To achieve this, the declaration you need is:

    friend Type AccessPrivateImplementation::getValue<>(Container<Type>* volume);
    //                                               ^^

    Here is a live example that shows your code compiling with the above fix.