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Best practice in python for return value on error vs. success

In general, let's say you have a method like the below.

def intersect_two_lists(self, list1, list2):
    if not list1:
        self.trap_error("union_two_lists: list1 must not be empty.")
        return False
    if not list2:
        self.trap_error("union_two_lists: list2 must not be empty.")
        return False
    return filter(lambda x:x in list1,list2)

In this particular method when errors are found, I would not want to return the empty list in this case because that could have been the real answer to this specific method call, I want to return something to indicate the parameters were incorrect. So I returned False on error in this case, and a list otherwise (empty or not).

My question is, what is the best practice in areas like this, and not just for lists?Return whatever the heck I want and make sure I document it for a user to read? :-) What do most of you folks do:

  1. If on success you were supposed to return True or False and you catch an error?
  2. If on success you were supposed to return a list and you catch an error?
  3. If on success you were supposed to return a file handle and you catch an error?
  4. et cetera


  • First, whatever you do don't return a result and an error message. That's a really bad way to handle errors and will cause you endless headaches. If you need to indicate an error always raise an exception.

    I usually tend to avoid raising errors unless it is necessary. In your example throwing an error is not really needed. Intersecting an empty list with a non empty one is not an error. The result is just empty list and that is correct. But let's say you want to handle other cases. For example if the method got a non-list type. In this case it is better to raise an exception. Exception are nothing to be afraid of.

    My advice for you is to look at the Python library for similar functions and see how Python handles those special cases. For example have a look at the intersection method in set, it tends to be forgiving. Here I'm trying to intersect an empty set with an empty list:

    >>> b = []
    >>> a = set()
    >>> a.intersection(b)
    >>> b = [1, 2]
    >>> a = set([1, 3])
    >>> a.intersection(b)

    Errors are only thrown when needed:

    >>> b = 1
    >>> a.intersection(b)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

    Sure, there are cases where returning True or False on success or failure can be good. But it is very important to be consistent. The function should always return the same type or structure. It is very confusing to have a function that could return a list or a boolean. Or return the same type but the meaning of this value can be different in case of an error.


    The OP says:

    I want to return something to indicate the parameters were incorrect.

    Nothing says there is an error better than an exception. If you want to indicate the parameters are incorrect then use exceptions and put a helpful error message. Returning a result in this case is just confusing. There might other cases where you want to indicate that nothing has happened but it is not an error. For example if you have a method that deletes entries from a table and the entry requested for deletion does not exist. In this case it might be fine to just return True or False on success or failure. It depends on the application and the intended behaviour