I'm managing an old iOS project and for many reason I can't use armv7s as valid architecture. I build and deploy this app with armv7, armv6 and i386 archs, but I'm searching for an Apple document where API that can be executed only with the A6 istrunction sets are listed. I haven't find anything like this..
Anybody know if there are methods or classes (among these in the SDK frameworks) that can be accessed only with this architecture?
Thanks in advance.
You're not going to find an exhaustive list of everything that is not compatible with something - if a library is only compatible with a certain instruction set, it will probably be displayed in great big bold letters at the top of the project page at this point.
You are probably safe with armv6 at this point and for the near future, however, I would highly recommend that you try to drop support for i386 sometime soon. It is going to become increasingly difficult to find libraries and API's that are compatible with that architecture.
If you are asking about Apple API's, you can be sure that all of the currently-available API's can be run on any iOS version Apple lets them be on - Apple doesn't build it's APIs around architectures, but around OS versions. When the time comes that armv6 is not run on any currently-updated device, you can be sure that Apple will start dropping support for that architecture.