I have an Access database in which I drop the table and then create the table afresh. However, I need to be able to test for the table in case the table gets dropped but not created (i.e. when someone stops the DTS package just after it starts -roll-eyes- ). If I were doing this in the SQL database I would just do:
IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'Table-Name-to-look-for'))
drop table 'Table-Name-to-look-for'
But how do I do that for an Access database?
Optional answer: is there a way to have the DTS package ignore the error and just go to the next step rather than checking to see if it exists?
SQL Server 2000
I'm not sure whether you can query the system objects table in an Access database from a DTS package.
If that doesn't work, why not just try doing a SELECT * from the Access table in question and then catch the error if it fails?