I have this script, which works perfectly well. BUT I will end up creating hundreds of variations if I keep doing it this way.
$q1 = $_GET["q1"];
$q2 = $_GET["q2"];
$q3 = $_GET["q3"];
$q4 = $_GET["q4"];
if ( $q1 == "a" && $q2 == "a" && $q3 == "a" && $q4 == "a" ) {
header("Location: http://www.mostly-a.co.uk");
if ( $q1 == "b" && $q2 == "b" && $q3 == "b" && $q4 == "b" ) {
header("Location: http://www.mostly-b.co.uk");
Basically I need the script to echo 1 of 5 possible urls based on which answers are given
So for example, "url-mostly-a" would be echo'd if the user selected: aaaa aaab aaba abaa baaa aaac aaca acaa caaa
etc etc.....
4 lines should do it:
$count = array_count_values($_GET);
$answers = array_keys($count);
header("Location: http://www.mostly-{$answers[0]}.co.uk");