hi i'm using pretty faces 3.3.3 in tomcat 7
and this config
<rewrite match="/browse" trailingSlash="append" toCase="lowercase" />
<url-mapping id="browsecategory">
<pattern value="/browse/" />
<view-id value="/browser.xhtml" />
i want requests without trailing slash after "browse" to be redirected to browse/ (with trailing slash). The background: if the trailing slash is missing, my relative outputLinks are not handeled as subdirectorys, but as files in the current directory.
when i request now
my browser gets into a redirect loop
is it possible that browse is a reserved keyword? when i replace it with squirrel everything works as expected:
<rewrite match="/squirrel" trailingSlash="append" toCase="lowercase" />
<url-mapping id="browsecategory">
<pattern value="/squirrel/" />
<view-id value="/browser.xhtml" />
Because of the amount of confusion that has occurred using the <rewrite/>
tag in PrettyFaces, we've migrated to a new core architecture for PrettyFaces (//Rewrite 2.0.0.Final) that provides much greater control over application configuration. (Available here http://ocpsoft.org/prettyfaces/)
I would recommend trying PrettyFaces 4 if your environment permits. You can leave your URL-mappings in the pretty-config.xml file if you wish, but you can now define more custom Rewrite rules, more safely, in a Rewrite ConfigurationProvider
<!-- for JSF 2.x -->
Leave your pretty-config.xml as it is:
<url-mapping id="browsecategory">
<pattern value="/browse/" />
<view-id value="/browser.xhtml" />
Now also create a ConfigurationProvider to handle your trailing slashes:
public class RewriteConfig extends HttpConfigurationProvider
public int priority()
return 10;
public Configuration getConfiguration(final ServletContext context)
return ConfigurationBuilder.begin()
.perform(Redirect.to(context.getContextRoot() + "/{p}/"))
Don't forget to register/activate the ConfigurationProvider.
Additionally, you can do your URL-mappings in this configuration file as well, thus removing the need for pretty-config.xml or the PrettyFaces 4 con:
public class RewriteConfig extends HttpConfigurationProvider
public int priority()
return 10;
public Configuration getConfiguration(final ServletContext context)
return ConfigurationBuilder.begin()
.perform(Redirect.to(context.getContextRoot() + "/{p}/"))
I didn't test the regular expression in the matches()
clause, but it should be something like that. I hope this helps!