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MVC4 bundling with TinyMCE

I have an problem using MVC4 Bundling together with TinyMCE. I get this error:

    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//langs/da.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/lists/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/autolink/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//themes/advanced/editor_template.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/spellchecker/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/pagebreak/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/style/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/table/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/layer/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found) Site:1
    GET http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//plugins/save/editor_plugin.js 404 (Not Found)
Failed to load: http://localhost:54717/Admin/EditText//langs/da.js 

The code looks like this( In BundleConfig.cs)

      new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/Site").Include(

      BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true; 

And in the layout:


But if i remove the the tiny_mce.js form the bundling and place it like so <script src="~/Scripts/tinymce/tiny_mce.js"></script> it works just fine. Is it because i need to override the automatic loading by tinymce and place do it manually?


  • Just ran into this today too. It seems that when tinymce is bundled, it cannot locate other dependent scripts (plugins, editor template, etc).

    Since TinyMCE already comes minified, I solved this just by excluding it from the bundle and loading it separately. Something like this:

    @* include tinymce unbundled so it can find its plugins and other scripts internally when bundles are optimized *@
    @if (BundleTable.EnableOptimizations)
        <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/tinymce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/tinymce/tiny_mce_src.js"></script>

    This way, you are still using the pre-minified version when optimizations are enabled, and the raw source code while debugging. It does end up with more than one request being sent by the browser though.