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GetHashCode for a class with a list object

I have such a class:

public class Cycle
          public List<int> Edges
            private set;

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            Cycle cycle = (Cycle)obj;

            var list1 = cycle.Edges;
            var list2 = Edges;
            var same = list1.Except(list2).Count() == 0 &&
                       list2.Except(list1).Count() == 0;
            return same;


        public override int GetHashCode()
         //   return Edges.GetHashCode();

As you can see, if two Edge Lists are the same, then I deem the Cycles as the same.

The issue now is how to implement the GetHashCode()?

I tried Edges.GetHashCode(), but the problem is that two List<Cycle>, with the same Cycle object but different orders, will be deemed different, even though they should be the same.


  • You could do something like:

    override int GetHashCode()
      return Edges.Distinct().Aggregate(0, (x,y) =>x.GetHashCode() ^ y.GetHashCode());

    It is simple, but should consistent.