I have a windows store app. I have a XML file containing data. I need to add this file as resource of my app. I need to read data to XDocument from this file.
1) What build action I should set when add XML file to project? (I think this is "Content")
2) How to get XDocument object from this XML file?
After 2 hours I've got this code:
public static class DataLoader {
public static XDocument LoadFromXmlResource(string path){
path.Replace('\\', '/');
string uriPath = "ms-appx:///MyApp/" + path;
Task<StorageFile> operation = StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri(uriPath)).AsTask<StorageFile>();
StorageFile file = operation.Result;
Task<string> fileReadingTask = FileIO.ReadTextAsync(file).AsTask<string>();
string fileContent = fileReadingTask.Result;
XDocument result = XDocument.Parse(fileContent, LoadOptions.None);
return result;
this works, but I'm not shure that it is correct.
This is the correct way to reference content in your application. You can also add a .resw file to your project to store resources for loading at runtime, via ResourceLoader.
Resources differ since they are designed to be culture-sensitive, so they're good for translations of button text values etc.
If you don't need this functionality, then assets added with the Build Action "Content" are perfect and you use the ms-appx or ms-appdata URI schemes to address them.
Package content via ms-appx
Mutable data via ms-appdata