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How can I directly invoke an event handler on a route in Emberjs?

I'm hoping to stub/spy on a route's event handler in ember.js using my testing framework of choice, jasmine. Usually this involves overwriting the function of interest with a spy, which requires access to the object on which the method is defined:

spy = spyOn(someObject, "methodOnThatObject")

But in Ember, my event handlers for my routes are defined as follows:

App.ActivityRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  events: {
    show: function(context) {

I would like to stub the function show, but I don't know how to get the object on which it is eventually defined? Or is it ever defined on an object? Perhaps it's invoked with #call or #apply? If so, how does one stub this?

I've tried digging around the source, but didn't manage to figure out how this is handled. Any pointers to where I should look in the source would also be helpful.

Cheers, Kevin


  • Silly me. I can just do the following:

    route = App.__container__.lookup('route:myRoute')
    spy = spyOn(route.get('events'), 'show')

    And that works.