is there any way to get the $var-hash (not its subvars) from the template that is given to the process-call
my $tt = Template->new({
version => 3.14,
release => 'Sahara',
my $vars = {
serial_no => 271828,
i => 0
c => 1
$tt->process('myfile', $vars);
from templates point of view serial_no, i and c are global variables but i would like to have also access to it via their parent hash.
Background is that we transfer an xml into an hash-tree. different (independent) templates work on different parts (on different levels) of that tree. A subtemplate gathers some additional informations about parts of that tree. Now i would like to use the subtemplate in a template on this but some template work on one node of the tree
+- b1
+- i
+- c
+- b2
+- i
+- c
+- b3
+- i
+- c
This tree is transformed into a hash and directly given as $vars Template TA works whole hash (template sees variable Bs) Template TB works on a B-Node and only gets this node (template sees i anc c)
i want to write a BLOCK that takes a B-Node and manipulates it. This block should be usable from TA and TB so iam searching a way to get the complete environment without changing the generator-script.
use a [% PERL %] block or use Template::Plugin::Stash
[% USE Stash %]
[% USE Dumper Indent = 1%]
<pre>[% Dumper.dump_html( Stash.stash() ) %]</pre>
[% PERL %]
$stash->set( iamthestash => $stash ); ## or call your tree thing
[% END %]