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How to define sets of break points in Visual studio?

I want to define some sets of break points in Visual studio, so that I can toggle among them.

By a set, I mean a collection of break points at certain lines I define. I have many scenarios that I want to toggle among these sets to ease my debugging.

For example:

Set 1: breakpoints at line 1, line 3, line 5, line 7
Set 2: breakpoints at line 2, line 4, line 6, line 8,

Are there any ways to do it in Visual studio (2008 and above are preferred), or are there any add-ins?


  • This feature is available in Visual Studio 2010 and 2012 in the breakpoints window.

    (c) Visual Studio team (Product Team, Microsoft) Nov 21, 2012

    Also, here is little macro that implements this functionality in Visual Studio 2008. You may just copy it into any module in macros (Tools > Macros > Macro Explorer > right-click any module > Edit > paste there), and then add it as a command to any menu (via Tools > Customize...)

    Dim savePath = "c:\temp"
    Sub SaveBreakpoints()
        Dim fname As String
        Dim lBreakpointsList As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Breakpoint)
        Dim fileList = IO.Directory.GetFiles(savePath)
        Dim lFiles = ""
        For Each lFile In fileList
            lFiles = String.Concat(lFiles, IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lFile), vbCrLf)
        fname = InputBox(String.Concat("Existing sets:", vbCrLf, lFiles, vbCrLf, "Name of new set:"), "Save Breakpoints", "1")
        If fname = "" Then
        End If
        lBreakpointsList = New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Breakpoint)
        For Each lBreakpoint As EnvDTE.Breakpoint In DTE.Debugger.Breakpoints
            lBreakpointsList.Add(New Breakpoint(lBreakpoint.File, lBreakpoint.FileLine, lBreakpoint.Condition))
        Using fs As New IO.StreamWriter(String.Concat("c:\temp\", fname, ".txt"))
            For Each lBreakpoint As Breakpoint In lBreakpointsList
                fs.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}   |||   {1}   |||   {2}", lBreakpoint.File, lBreakpoint.Line, lBreakpoint.Condition))
        End Using
    End Sub
    Sub RestoreBreakpoints()
        Dim fname As String
        Dim lBreakpointsList As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Breakpoint)
        Dim lProperties As String()
        Dim fileList = IO.Directory.GetFiles(savePath)
        Dim lFiles = ""
        For Each lFile In fileList
            lFiles = String.Concat(lFiles, IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(lFile), vbCrLf)
        fname = InputBox(String.Concat("Enter name of set to restore. Existing sets:", vbCrLf, vbCrLf, lFiles), "Restore Breakpoints", "1")
        If fname = "" Then
        End If
        lBreakpointsList = New Collections.Generic.List(Of Breakpoint)
        Dim lBp As Breakpoint
        Using fs As New IO.StreamReader(String.Concat("c:\temp\", fname, ".txt"))
            While Not fs.EndOfStream
                lProperties = fs.ReadLine().Split(New String() {"   |||   "}, StringSplitOptions.None)
                lBp = New Breakpoint(lProperties(0), lProperties(1), lProperties(2))
            End While
        End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
        For Each lBp1 As Breakpoint In lBreakpointsList
            DTE.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add(, lBp1.File, Convert.ToInt32(lBp1.Line), , lBp1.Condition)
    End Sub
    Class Breakpoint
        Public File
        Public Line
        Public Condition
        Public Sub New(ByVal pFile, ByVal pLine, ByVal pCondition)
            File = pFile
            Line = pLine
            Condition = pCondition
        End Sub
    End Class