Using the following method, I am able to get the sub-folders, but this code retrieves all the folders from the root. For example, if there is a folder in trash also it retrieves that along with folders in My Drive.
My requirement is that, if the folder is not there in the My Drive, then first I should create one and then insert files. My problem is, when I am checking for the folder name, as the folder exist in trash but not in My Drive, I am getting response as folder exists.
Here is my method to retrieve folders.
If anyone has some idea, please let me know.
-(void)getFileListFromSpecifiedParentFolder {
GTLQueryDrive *query2 = [GTLQueryDrive queryForFilesList];
// GTLQueryDrive *query2 = [GTLQueryDrive queryForChildrenListWithFolderId:@"My Drive"];
query2.q = @"";
//or i also use this code
query2.q = @"mimeType = 'application/'";
// queryTicket can be used to track the status of the request.
[self.driveService executeQuery:query2
completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLDriveChildList *children, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"\nGoogle Drive: file count in the folder: %d", children.items.count);
//incase there is no files under this folder then we can avoid the fetching process
if (!children.items.count) {
return ;
if (error == nil) {
for (GTLDriveChildReference *child in children) {
GTLQuery *query = [GTLQueryDrive queryForFilesGetWithFileId:child.identifier];
// queryTicket can be used to track the status of the request.
[self.driveService executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLDriveFile *file,
NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"\nfile name = %@ \n file kind %@ \n file identifier %@", file.title,file.kind,file.identifier);
[self createFolderForGoogleDriveWithName:@"Music"];
You can filter out trashed directories with the following query: application/' and trashed = false