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Get balance json from Nexmo API with Rails

Cheers! I'm using nexmo gem in my Rails project, so, I want to get json with my balance with get_balance method, but I get:

#<Nexmo::Response:0x007ff0c7214138 @http_response=#<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>, @json=JSON>

but when I trying the same thing with curl

curl -H "Accept: application/json"\{#######\}/\{#######\}

It gives me exactly what I want:


So, how to handle Nexmo::Response?


  • I suppose you have to call either response.body or response.object from the result of the "get_balance" execution.


    r = call_get_balance

    You need the r.body or r.object, where the body will be as is and object the body as json.