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How to use Link_to with nested resources

I am a totally newbie in Rails.

I have created a web application, I can access through /posts/123/comments/ or /posts/123/comments/new, but i don't know how to use link_to in the index view to show a concrete comment, when i try to link it, appears "no route" or "undefined symbol".

I have a nested have_many relation between posts and comments defined in the models and in the routes.rb and post_comments GET /posts/:post_id/sensors(.:format) comments#index appears when I execute rake routes.

How I can do it?


  • After trying all of the answers it didnt completely work, but i found a way to resolve it. In a first moment, I used


    where comment is the item inside a @post.each.

    It generates a "strange" route, using . instead / like "post/34/comments.2", i fixed it using the singular form:


    Thanks for helping!