We have windows 2003
server Pc named pc2 in which local drives are shared with different names. For example local drive E is shared with name 'datapath' so that all users in network
access that drive using network path '\\pc2\datapath\'
. We need VB.net code to convert local path to shared UNC path
i.e if we input 'E:\netuse',code must return '\\pc2\datapath\netuse'
Is there any way to do this in VB.net
EDIT: Drive E is not mapped,it is just shared
This code worked very well
Dim SharePath As String = "e:\Netuse"
Dim SplitPath() As String = Split(SharePath, "\")
Dim CurrentPath As String = String.Empty
Dim ShareName As String = String.Empty
Dim CurrentFolderIndex As Integer
Dim UNCPath As String = String.Empty
For CurrentFolderIndex = 0 To SplitPath.GetUpperBound(0)
If CurrentPath = String.Empty Then
CurrentPath = String.Concat(SplitPath(CurrentFolderIndex), "\\")
CurrentPath += String.Concat(SplitPath(CurrentFolderIndex), "\\")
End If
ShareName = GetShareName(CurrentPath)
If ShareName <> String.Empty Then
CurrentFolderIndex += 1
Exit For
End If
UNCPath = String.Concat("\\", My.Computer.Name, "\", ShareName)
For SubPathIndex As Integer = CurrentFolderIndex To SplitPath.GetUpperBound(0)
UNCPath = String.Concat(UNCPath, "\", SplitPath(SubPathIndex))
Public Function GetShareName(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String
Dim Searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Concat("select * from win32_share WHERE Path = '", FolderPath, "'"))
Dim ShareName As String = String.Empty
For Each Share As ManagementObject In Searcher.Get()
ShareName = Share("Name").ToString
Return ShareName
End Function