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VB.NET code to Convert shared local path to UNC path

We have windows 2003 server Pc named pc2 in which local drives are shared with different names. For example local drive E is shared with name 'datapath' so that all users in network access that drive using network path '\\pc2\datapath\'. We need code to convert local path to shared UNC path i.e if we input 'E:\netuse',code must return '\\pc2\datapath\netuse'.

Is there any way to do this in ?

EDIT: Drive E is not mapped,it is just shared


  • This code worked very well

            Dim SharePath As String = "e:\Netuse"
            Dim SplitPath() As String = Split(SharePath, "\")
            Dim CurrentPath As String = String.Empty
            Dim ShareName As String = String.Empty
            Dim CurrentFolderIndex As Integer
            Dim UNCPath As String = String.Empty
            For CurrentFolderIndex = 0 To SplitPath.GetUpperBound(0)
                If CurrentPath = String.Empty Then
                    CurrentPath = String.Concat(SplitPath(CurrentFolderIndex), "\\")
                    CurrentPath += String.Concat(SplitPath(CurrentFolderIndex), "\\")
                End If
                ShareName = GetShareName(CurrentPath)
                If ShareName <> String.Empty Then
                    CurrentFolderIndex += 1
                    Exit For
                End If
            UNCPath = String.Concat("\\", My.Computer.Name, "\", ShareName)
            For SubPathIndex As Integer = CurrentFolderIndex To SplitPath.GetUpperBound(0)
                UNCPath = String.Concat(UNCPath, "\", SplitPath(SubPathIndex))
        Public Function GetShareName(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String
            Dim Searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(String.Concat("select * from win32_share WHERE Path = '", FolderPath, "'"))
            Dim ShareName As String = String.Empty
            For Each Share As ManagementObject In Searcher.Get()
                ShareName = Share("Name").ToString
            Return ShareName
        End Function