I am creating a simple search using the Yellow Pages API, coded in Ruby and Sinatra, and I'd like to display the search result business listing with a clickable URL. I have coded in both fields for "businessName" and "moreInfoURL" from the YP API, but I don't know how I can connect these both together.
Right now, they display next to each other in the search results, but I have the raw URL at the end and I'd like the more Info URL to be displayed as the link for the business name.
Here is the code I have for the results of the search form:
<% if @results %>
<% @results.each do |result| %>
<%= result["businessName"] %> - <%= result["phone"] %> <br />
<%= result["street"] %> <br />
<%= result["city"] %>, <%= result["state"] %> <%= result["zip"] %> <br />
<%= result["moreInfoURL"] %> <br />
Results display like this (default search for pizza in zip code 93551):
Sams Pizza - (661) 266-9626
3011 Rancho Vista Blvd # G
Palmdale, CA 93551
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If I understand you right you can just make a link like this:
<% if @results %>
<% @results.each do |result| %>
<a href="<%= result["moreInfoURL"] %>"><%= result["businessName"] %></a> - <%= result["phone"] %> <br />
<%= result["street"] %> <br />
<%= result["city"] %>, <%= result["state"] %> <%= result["zip"] %> <br />