I imported the Facebook library following this tutorial: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/getting-started/facebook-sdk-for-android/3.0/
And now I am ready to compile and try to run the project, but it is not compiling saying that I have an error in my project.
What seems to be the issue is that I have the Facebook library which I imported...it has a red exclamation mark icon next to it, and now my own project has the red exclamation mark icon next to it also since I connected the two.
Would anyone know how to fix this? For the record I don't need any facebook social functionality. What I needed was to connect my project with the appId of a Facebook app I have.
Importing Facebook SDK
Make sure, that you have Android SDK 2.3.3 available. Import the Facebook SDK project into your workspace. Then right click on it and go to Properties > Android and choose Android SDK 2.3.3. Maybe cleanup after that and you should go fine.
Referencing to Facebook SDK
Right click on your Android application project and select Properties > Android and add the imported Facebook SDK to your project. There you go!