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How to calculate rolling bootstrapped values and confidence intervals in R

I am new to R and am trying to calculate the bootstrapped standard deviation (sd) and associated standard error within a 30 observation rolling window. The function below performs the rolling window appropriately if I just want sd. But when I add the bootstrap function using the boot package I get the error specified below. I gather that I am trying to store bootstrap results in a vector that isn't the correct size. Does anyone have any advice on how to store just the bootstrapped sd and associated stderror for each window in rows of a new matrix? The goal is to then plot the sd and associated 95% confidence intervals for each window along the timeseries. Thanks in advance for any help.

> head(data.srs)
1  0.8274083
2  1.0853433
3  0.8049845
4  0.8912097
5  1.3514569
6  0.8694499

###Function to apply rolling window

rollWin <- function(timeSeries,  windowLength) 
  nOut <- length(data[, 1]) - windowLength + 1
  out <- numeric(nOut)
  if (length(data[,1]) >= windowLength)
    for (i in 1:nOut) 
      { <- function(data,d)sd(data[d], na.rm = TRUE)
      out[i] <- boot(data[i:(i + windowLength - 1), ],, R=1000)
  return (list(result=out))

###run rolling window function. ex. rollWin(data, windowlength)

> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In out[i] <- boot(data[i:(i + windowLength - 1), ],,  ... :
  number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length


  • You can simplify it quite a lot. I am not familiar with the boot package, but we can roll a function along a vector using the rollapply function quite easily, and then we can make bootstrap samples using the replicate function:

    # Create some data, 12 items long
    r <- runif(12)
    # [1] 0.44997964 0.27425412 0.07327872 0.68054759 0.33577348 0.49239478
    # [7] 0.93421646 0.19633079 0.45144966 0.53673296 0.71813017 0.85270346
    # use rollapply to calculate function alonga  moving window
    # width is the width of the window
    sds <- rollapply( r , width = 4 , by = 1 , sd )
    #[1] 0.19736258 0.26592331 0.16770025 0.12585750 0.13730946 0.08488467
    #[7] 0.16073722 0.22460430 0.22462168
    # Now we use replicate to repeatedly evaluate a bootstrap sampling method
    # 'n' is number of replications
    n <- 4
    replicate( n , rollapply( r , width = n , function(x) sd( x[ sample(length(x) , repl = TRUE) ] ) ) )
    #            [,1]      [,2]       [,3]      [,4]
    # [1,] 0.17934073 0.1815371 0.11603320 0.2992379
    # [2,] 0.03551822 0.2862702 0.18492837 0.2526193
    # [3,] 0.09042535 0.2419768 0.13124738 0.1666012
    # [4,] 0.17238705 0.1410475 0.18136178 0.2457248
    # [5,] 0.32008385 0.1709326 0.32909368 0.2550859
    # [6,] 0.30832533 0.1480320 0.02363968 0.1275594
    # [7,] 0.23069951 0.1275594 0.25648052 0.3016909
    # [8,] 0.11235170 0.2493055 0.26089969 0.3012610
    # [9,] 0.16819174 0.2099518 0.18033502 0.0906986

    Each column represents the rollapply which bootstraps the observations in the current window before applying sd.