Komodia says:
In other words windows metro application working into sandboxed environment, which DLL injection can't be done.
Let's see what Nektra says:
As you can see Komodia and Nektra says a conflicting information, my question is what's the true behind DLL injection under windows 8, can I inject my code into metro application as usual(NT,win9x) like Nektra says?
I'm the author of Nektra's article. The research began when we wanted to add more features to the limited Metro Mail application that comes with Windows 8.
Although the process was not exactly the same than in desktop applications because usually metro apps are suspended, we hooked first DCOM service.
When DCOM service launches the Metro Mail application, in that point we inject the dll using the well-known method CreateRemoteThread/LoadLibrary call.
In the initial tests we tried to inject a dll located in the same folder were our test was located and discovered that, if the dll was in system32, it loads fine.
Later we do the further research to see why the dll was not loading if not on system32 folder.
About hooking winsock, we didn't test that but I think it should be possible because, at least on desktop computers, behind metro there are the commonly known dlls (kernel32, user32 and so on) and we hooked some api's without problems.