What is the equivalent to Crypt::CBC in Perl for Ruby?
Note: This problem similar to PHP/Perl at stackoverflow:655691.
Perl Version
use Crypt::CBC;
use MIME::Base64::Perl;
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
-key => "95A8EE8E89979B9EFDCBC6EB9797528D",
-keysize => 32,
-cipher => "Crypt::OpenSSL::AES"
$encypted = $cipher->encrypt("ABCDEFGH12345678");
$base64 = encode_base64($encypted);
print("$base64"); # output -> U2FsdGVkX18m1jVqRTxANhcEj6aADeOn+2cccDft2eYAMfOkYCvAAkTIOv01VHc/
$de_base64 = decode_base64($base64);
$decrypted = $cipher->decrypt($de_base64);
$c = $cipher->finish;
print("$decrypted \n");
My ruby version looks like this:
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::AES128.new("CBC")
aes.key = "95A8EE8E89979B9EFDCBC6EB9797528D"
encypted = aes.update("ABCDEFGH12345678") + aes.final
base64 = Base64.encode64(encypted)
puts base64 # outout -> gx1K24LqlRUtNNTDNUJTyn7HrVKK6UkfNA9LNpNjZeE=
I'm pretty sure Base64 work same in Ruby and Perl. Any clue what is the right way to do?
Update (Solution)
use Crypt::CBC;
use MIME::Base64;
my $key = "95A8EE8E89979B9E";
my $iv = "1234567890abcdef";
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
-key => $key,
-cipher => 'Rijndael',
-iv => $iv,
-literal_key => 1,
-padding => 'null',
-keysize => 128/8,
-header => 'none'
my $plaintext = $cipher->encrypt("Hello");
print encode_base64($plaintext); # output -> kJCpQC0+iNF8exHGx3GLYw==
require 'openssl'
require 'base64'
aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new("aes-128-cbc")
aes.key = "95A8EE8E89979B9E"
aes.iv = "1234567890abcdef"
aes.padding = 0
base64 = Base64.decode64("kJCpQC0+iNF8exHGx3GLYw==")
decrypted = aes.update(base64)
decrypted << aes.final
puts decrypted # guess? It is "Hello"
I have something the same for Perl and php.
http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FAYLAND/OpenSocialX-Shindig-Crypter-0.03/sample/crypt.pl http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/FAYLAND/OpenSocialX-Shindig-Crypter-0.03/sample/crypt.php
and there is a tip for you:
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new(
'key' => 'length16length16',
'cipher' => 'Rijndael',
'iv' => '1234567890abcdef',
'literal_key' => 1,
'padding' => 'null',
'header' => 'none',
keysize => 128 / 8
key must be length 16. and better the length of iv is 16 chars too.
I hope it helps.